E-QUALITY – Digital education for social and financial

inclusion and gender equality

Press release of the press conference on the project "E-Quality" - Digital Education for social and financial inclusion and gender equality"

On May 18, 2023, a press conference was held at KNNA Kabar on the project "E-QUALITY - Digital education for social and financial integration and gender equality", implemented with the financing of the program of external activities of the European Union and the Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic.

The main speakers were:

  • Preslav Dimitrov – Prof. Dr., coordinator of the "E-QUALITY" project, representative of the Bulgarian Chamber of Education, Science and Culture;
  • Mariana Usheva - Project Manager;
  • Svetlana Sirmbard, Head of the expert group of the "E-QUALITY" project, Rector of Adam University;
  • Nurkyz Suerkulova, Chairman of the International Bureau for Quality Assurance InAQA Public Foundation, National Coordinator of the E-QUALITY project;
  • Gulnura Mamyrova, Head of the Department of Primary Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Meerim Abykeeva and Venera Muratalieva, experts of the "E-QUALITY" project.

At this event, the speakers talked about the goals and the results of the project.

The project "E-Quality" - Digital Education for Social and Financial Inclusion and Gender Equality" began its work in 2021 with the support of the European Union and identified three pilot regions to launch the project: Osh, Naryn, and Issyk-Kul regions. The aim of the project was to develop new skills in digital literacy, entrepreneurship, and leadership among socially vulnerable groups in the Kyrgyz Republic, such as young migrants and low-skilled women, by creating and promoting a sustainable model of social integration.


In 2.5 years, the project team has achieved the following results:

1. Establishing communication with the government to achieve the project objectives.

During the first year of work, meetings were held with representatives of the Bulgarian Chamber of Education, Science, and Culture, the International Agency for Quality Assurance InAQA, the Social Development departments of Issyk-Kul, Naryn, and Osh regional administrations, the departments of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, and the expert community of Kyrgyzstan. Within the framework of the meetings, the goals and objectives of the project, research, and ways of cooperation with the government agencies in each of the pilot areas for the development of digital and financial literacy skills, entrepreneurship, and leadership among the most vulnerable groups of young migrants.

A survey was conducted among young migrant workers and their families, based on which, more than 10 free electronic micro-courses on digital and financial literacy, entrepreneurial and leadership skills were developed on the base of the best practices of European partners. Also, electronic methodological manuals for teachers in the Kyrgyz language were developed.

  • Use platforms for creating, organizing, and editing video tutorials (in Kyrgyz and Uzbek). The methodological guide is aimed at teaching teachers to conduct classes in the form of video calls and conduct interactive online lessons using platforms that allow you to upload materials to online platforms.
  • Creation of teaching materials and organization of classes on interactive online platforms (in Kyrgyz). The methodical guide is aimed at studying algorithms for creating various educational and methodological materials on interactive online platforms when organizing classes.
  • Use of presentations, and interactive platforms for creating and conducting online/offline classes and organizing teamwork within the framework of one project work (in Kyrgyz). The methodological guide is aimed at teaching teachers how to use interactive platforms to organize simultaneous teamwork on a task and conduct online and offline lessons using interactive platforms.


2. Experience exchange

From 15.07.2022 to 22.07.2022, a training tour was held, in which representatives of state bodies, vocational education, and the academic community from Kyrgyzstan took part. During the training tour, meetings were held in the ministries and departments of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as in the Human Resources Development Center of the Republic of Bulgaria, where the issues of using the Bulgarian experience in the development of vocational education and training using the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), the recently developed National Qualifications Framework of Kyrgyzstan (NQF) and other European education transparency instruments were discussed. During the visit of the Kyrgyz delegation, the tour participants shared their experience of training in the areas of vocational education and training in accordance with the requirements of EQF, NQF, ECVET, and the national educational standard of Bulgaria, as well as the issues of independent certification and validation of the results of formal and informal training of young migrant workers, the organization of training with the use of e-learning resources, the development of pedagogical scenarios, micromodules and the assignment and recognition of micro qualifications.


3. Conducting training seminars for representatives of educational organizations of VET education.

From the end of February to the beginning of March, the project team held three three-day seminars in online and offline modes in Bishkek, Karakol, and Osh. The purpose of the seminar was to form a methodological and expert base for the design, support, and development of digital, communication, and professional skills of young migrants. For three days, the seminar participants were trained in digital skills, such as working with the electronic educational platform “AcademyInAQA”, and software, such as Canva, Prezi, Powtoon, and text editors. The project experts also presented the LMS (Learning Management System) e-learning platforms and demonstrated the possibilities of working with presentations and spreadsheets. The final day of the seminar was devoted to the possibilities of application ChatGPT in the work of educational organizations and work with software provisions for the creation of test tasks. Following the results of this seminar, the participants took an online exam. As a result of these seminars, more than 170 participants were trained and received a mentor certificate.


4. Conducting international conferences and methodological seminars.


  • From August 17 to 19, 2022, a three-day methodological seminar was held in Bishkek: "Micro-stages in modern education: effective tools for career development and recognition of qualifications".
  • On 13.10.2022, the conference "Key Skills for Digital Future: Increasing the Potential of labor migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic" was attended by representatives of government agencies, professional communities, educational organizations, and the expert community of Bulgaria and Kyrgyzstan.
  • On 01.12.2022, the international conference "Vector of development of young migrant workers: digital skills and financial literacy" was held. The purpose of the conference was to discuss a wide range of issues related to the formation and development of digital and entrepreneurial skills of migrant workers based on the use of the latest educational and digital tools.


5. Opening of Migrant Support Centers in Osh, Karakol, and Kara-Too village

In the VET lyceums Nᵒ113 in Osh, Nᵒ15 in the village of Kara-Too of Naryn region, and Nᵒ14 in Karakol, Migrant Support Centers were opened with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.  The project offers step-by-step equipping of the centers with methodological recommendations for the creation of e-learning micro-courses, access to the InAQA Academy e-learning platform with training modules on digital and financial literacy and other vital skills necessary for migrant workers, and digital tools for creating assessment materials, virtual laboratories, video materials, video courses, etc. Licenses for iSpring, Zoom, Prezi, and Canva software were also awarded for the further operation of these Centers.


6. Development and launch of the AcademyInAQA electronic platform, a mobile application with the introduction of a cyber assistant.

The project team and experts have developed free online courses on financial literacy, computer skills, communication skills, leadership, and other key areas. In total, 15 courses have been developed, which are now available to everyone.

It is convenient for students to work on any type of device: computers, tablets, and smartphones.

As of March 1, 2023, 1,697 people are already actively participating in the training, evaluating their skills according to the presented training modules, and undergoing training at a convenient time. A variety of opportunities are provided to support the individual learning path, such as forums with coaches and communication with other students. One of the unique features provided by our courses is that, that students never feel alone in the learning process. At any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, they have support in the form of a cyber mentor - artificial intelligence, always ready to help.