E-QUALITY – Digital education for social and financial

inclusion and gender equality

Seminar "Micro-qualifications in modern education: effective tools for career development and recognition of qualifications”

Within the framework of the project "E-Quality" - Digital education for social and financial inclusion and gender equality", implemented with the financing of the program of external activities of the European Union and the Representation of the European Union in the Kyrgyz Republic, from 17.08.2022 to 19.08.2022, a methodological seminar "Micro-qualifications in modern education: effective tools for career development and recognition of qualifications”. The seminar was held in a hybrid format at the “Hyatt Regency Bishkek” Hotel.

The aim of the seminar was to form a methodological and expert base for the design, support and development of digital, communication and professional skills of young migrants.

Objectives of the seminar:

− Studying the European approach of using micro degrees/micro qualifications in the context of lifelong learning;

− Analysis of opportunities for the development of micro degrees/micro qualifications, taking into account the peculiarities of national qualification systems to strengthen the potential of migrant workers;

− Identification of methodological features of the formation of courses for awarding micro degrees/micro qualifications;

− Formation of skills in using digital course design tools for awarding micro degrees/micro qualifications.


The three-day seminar began with welcoming words from Preslav Dimitrov, Prof. Dr., coordinator of the E-QUALITY project "Digital Education for Social and Financial Inclusion and Gender Equality", Bulgarian Chamber of Education, Science and Culture, Rasul Abazbekuulu, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, Erkin Karimov, Leading Specialist of the Labor Department and Employment of the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic and Svetlana Sirmbard, Head of the expert group of the "E-QUALITY" project, Rector of Adam University.


Within the framework of the seminar, international speakers were P.Nikolova, national expert on vocational education and training (Republic of Bulgaria) and M. Gunare, Professor, Director of the Tourism program of the Baltic International Academy (Republic of Latvia), sharing international experience with the National qualification framework (NQF), European qualification framework (EQF), educational and professional standards. Much attention was also paid to the National Qualifications System of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Action Plan for the Development of the National Qualifications System in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2022-2024, which was presented by a representative of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic.


The second day of the seminar focused on designing courses for awarding micro degrees/micro qualifications. The case of the Digital Literacy course project was presented by the project experts. Participants were given the opportunity to create their own course in practice for assigning micro-degrees/micro-qualifications on the following topics: "Financial Literacy", "Communications", "Leadership" and "Entrepreneurship".


The third day of the seminar was devoted to IT platforms and services, such as Panopto, iSpringand Prezi, which in the future will help participants to effectively model courses on their own. Working in groups, they created their products using previously presented electronic resources.

Additional information about the project can be received by phone: +996708518081, e-mail: inaqa.publicfoundation@yandex.ru


Press release file for download