E-QUALITY – Digital education for social and financial

inclusion and gender equality

Conference "Key skills for the digital future: increasing the potential of labor migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic"

E-Quality - Digital education for social and financial inclusion and gender equality

Within the framework of the project "E-Quality" - Digital education for social and financial inclusion and gender equality", implemented with the financing of the external activity program of the European Union and the Delegation of the European Union in the Kyrgyz Republic, a conference "Key skills for the digital future: increasing the potential of labor migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic" was held on 13.10.2022.

The aim of the conference is to discuss digital tools for improving the key skills of migrant workers.

The conference was opened by N. Suerkulova, Chair of the International Bureau for Quality Assurance InAQA Public Foundation, National Coordinator of the E-QUALITY project, P. Dimitrov, Prof. Dr., Coordinator of the E-QUALITY project, representative of the Bulgarian Chamber of Education, Science and Culture and A. Mambetkadyrov, Deputy Minister of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Two round tables were organized within the framework of the conference: "Increasing the potential of labor migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic: development of digital skills" and "Increasing the potential of labor migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic: development of financial and entrepreneurial skills". The round tables were attended by representatives of government agencies, professional communities, educational organizations, the expert community of Bulgaria and Kyrgyzstan.

During the first round table "Increasing the potential of labor migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic: development of digital skills", S. Sirmbard, head of the expert group of the E-QUALITY project, Rector of Adam University, spoke and presented the e-course "Digital Literacy": development of digital skills of labor migrants. Project experts Ch. Imanalieva and Z. Suerkulova spoke in more detail about the development and operation of the e-course "Digital literacy 1,2,3".

The second round table "Increasing the potential of labor migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic: development of financial and entrepreneurial skills" was also opened by S. Sirmbard with the presentation of the electronic course "Financial literacy": development of financial and entrepreneurial skills of labor migrants. M. Abykeeva and A. Sharsheeva, experts of the project "E-QUALITY" shared with the conference participants the features of this course.

Following the results of each round table, a discussion was held, moderated by S. Sirmbard, at which the audience had the opportunity to discuss the implementation of the project, ask questions to experts and give feedback to the organizers of the conference.

Additional information about the project can be obtained by phone: +996708518081, e-mail: inaqa.publicfoundation@yandex.ru

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